What is the CREATOR'S NAME?

Sweet Brothers and Sisters in Yahusha haMashiak,
We see that it is VITALLY important that we KNOW the NAME of our Father and Creator, as well as the NAME OF THE SON. Yahuah is the name of our Father. Yahusha is the name of the Son and it means "Yahuah is your Deliverance/Salvation"


So... YHUH in both Paleao-Hebrew and Modern Aramaic Hebrew was transliterated by the first believer's that used the letter 'J' as JHVH (remember the Latin 'V' came from the Greek upsilon Y which made a 'U' sound) 

**TransLITERATE is a verb and means 

"to write or print (a letter or word) using the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet or script."

so the 'yod' sounds the same as the 'iota' and the 'j' when you look at origins (all making a Y sound). 


Same with 'uau' 'upsilon' and the Latin 'v'. (all making a OO sound)


JeHoVaH  =  JeHUaH  =  YaHUaH when properly pronounced. 

Here is the Greek Alphabet for reference


Once you can understand that the Creator's Name is YaHUaH (yah-hoo-ah) [yod-hey-uau-hey] then you can understand the Mashiak's Name, because he came in HIS FATHER'S NAME.  He was born of the tribe of YaHUdaH (yah-hoo-dah) [yod-hey-uah-daleth-hey] which has the Father's Name surrounding the daleth (D){DOOR}, and his OWN Name has the Father's name in it... YaHUshaH. (yah-hoo-sh-ah) [yod-hey-uau-shin-ayin].
