So... YHUH in both Paleao-Hebrew and Modern Aramaic Hebrew was transliterated by the first believer's that used the letter 'J' as JHVH (remember the Latin 'V' came from the Greek upsilon Y which made a 'U' sound)
**TransLITERATE is a verb and means
"to write or print (a letter or word) using the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet or script."
so the 'yod' sounds the same as the 'iota' and the 'j' when you look at origins (all making a Y sound).
Same with 'uau' 'upsilon' and the Latin 'v'. (all making a OO sound)
JeHoVaH = JeHUaH = YaHUaH when properly pronounced.
Here is the Greek Alphabet for reference
Once you can understand that the Creator's Name is YaHUaH (yah-hoo-ah) [yod-hey-uau-hey] then you can understand the Mashiak's Name, because he came in HIS FATHER'S NAME. He was born of the tribe of YaHUdaH (yah-hoo-dah) [yod-hey-uah-daleth-hey] which has the Father's Name surrounding the daleth (D){DOOR}, and his OWN Name has the Father's name in it... YaHUshaH. (yah-hoo-sh-ah) [yod-hey-uau-shin-ayin].
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