My Testimony

**Note: YaHUaH revealed His TRUE Name, His ONLY Name to me and my husband in 2020. I use those names through out my Testimony, so as not to give any esteem to the false names**

I was raised in a 'christian' home. My grandmother was the most influential G*d-fearing woman in my life, she taught me much (Though, YaHUaH forgive her, she did not know the True Name). She was completely sold out to hwhy/YaHUah. Sadly, she died when I was only 8 years old. My parents continued to teach me about [cwhy/Yahusha as best they could (again, learning the false name but no one in my family knew the Real Set-Apart Esteemed Name Yahusha), but they separated when I was 13 and later divorced when I was 14. I was bullied quite a bit when I was younger and did not have many real friends. All I wanted was for people to like me. This was a downfall, though I did not see this until much later. I became obsessed with the idea of popularity and fitting in. It nearly destroyed me.


I met my Darling husband when I was 14, we became best friends. He was a strong moral influence in my life. Even through all the bad choices I made that ultimately broke his heart he still prayed for me daily and continued to encourage me to get closer to [cwhy/Yahusha. I was not leading a godly life in the least bit. Sure, I attended church weekly on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but for all the wrong reasons. I can actually only recall very few of the lessons my youth minister was trying so desperately to reach the teen group with. Like many others in the group, it was only a way to gather with 'friends'. I was walking in willful sin. I will not excuse it away with the over used rhetoric of, "you were young, it is normal" because I KNEW what I was doing was against Yahuah's Word and I still did it. I KNEW what I was doing was hurting my family and my best friend's heart. I KNEW BETTER. 


But Yahuah had a plan. 


My Darling Husband, who was only my friend at the time(But my only TRUE FRIEND), petitioned on my behalf over and over, without ceasing. He wanted my hand in marriage but knew that I needed to be walking with hwhy/YaHUah before he could ask me. 


I graduated High School, top quarter of my class with honors, National Honor Society, and a Cadet Captain in the AFJROTC. My parents decided I needed to go to a Job Corps. Not exactly a place I would say a student with my grades needed to go. But see, even my family had lost hope for me with my past choices. 


But hwhy/YaHUah had a plan.


I was removed from all that was familiar to me and was a trap for my backsliding in the past. I began to work on my life. My friend became my betrothed. He wrote to me daily, offering encouragement towards Yahuah's Path. I joined a youth group and gospel choir at the Job Corps. I tried to diligently pay attention to the sermons/lessons. I began to feel a change. I began to notice that I did not like much of I was seeing in people. I came to detest their behaviors. 


I was attending a service one night, and the message seemed like it was directed to me alone. It was powerful. Suddenly, I felt like Yahuah was holding up a mirror to my face. Everything I had come to detest in these other students at the Job Corps, was IN ME. I grew more and more convicted. At the end of the service there was a call to the alter for prayer. I had NO desire to go to the alter. I was ashamed. 


But then, as if a hand grabbed my own, I was on my feet, walking down the aisle towards the alter. I was compelled. As if there was a force, gently pushing me. I approached the alter. I placed one foot on the first step and as I lifted the other one, all strength left me and all I could do was cry out in a desperate plea for forgiveness from my Father in Heaven. I collapsed on the stairs of the alter and began crying uncontrollably. I could not speak. It was so painful. I felt the hurt of every bad choice I willfully and knowingly made that grieved the Set Apart Spirit (Ruach ha Qodesh) and Father Yahuah, everything I ever did that was hurtful to my family and my Darling.


I was surrounded by other people; they covered my head and back with a veil and laid hands on me and prayed. So many voices praying I could not make out what they were saying over my own crying but I felt a heat wash over me. All I could do was think in my heart, "Father, please forgive me. Change me. I don't want this anymore." I shall never in my life forget that moment.


The ladies in the 'church' helped me to my feet and led me to a back room where they welcomed me to the Kingdom of Yahuah. I confessed my sins to them all and asked the Father's forgiveness as we prayed together. I cried some more. Then I smiled and we began laughing. I was overcome with joy. Suddenly worship music had a more powerful feeling. I was born again in the July 27, 2006, I was 18, and I have never turned back.


That night, I told my Darling all that had happened, I cried on the phone as I apologized for all the agony I caused his spirit. I confessed my deep love for him and how I wanted to grow together in [cwhy/Yahusha with him. He expressed how very proud he was of me. 

After I got off the phone with him, I made a HUGE change. 


That very night, before I went to sleep, I went through all my things and purged all that was not going to help me grow and change. I destroyed CD's with worldly music; I threw away all make up that was not modest, and eventually stopped wearing make up on a regular basis; I threw away all clothing that was not of a modest nature. I opened a Bible that my Darling had given me, and I started to read. It was the first time in my life that I was filled with an unquenchable thirst for Yahuah's Word. I wanted to take it in all at once. Every day since then has been different. 


Because of my transformation and new sustained dedication to hwhy/YaHUah, Our Father in Heaven granted my Darling the permission to purpose to me. I SAID YES! We were married October 2006, and I left the Job Corps. I enrolled in college the following Spring.  


We have grown so much in hwhy/YaHUah and still to this day spend hours talking about the Word and how it applies to our daily lives. 


The first gift the Father ever gave me after my rebirth was my YaHUaH fearing husband. I am truly grateful for Yahuah putting my Darling Husband in my life, because he was the one who helped me to see the Love of our Mashiak [cwhy/Yahusha and show me that through [cwhy/Yahusha I could step out of the darkness of sin and into the YaHUaH's Perfect Light. He never gave up. He never walked away when he had rights to. I am also grateful to Yahuah for my parents, who always tried their best for me. I love them dearly. 


My Darling Husband and I are bond servants to our Master [cwhy/Yahusha HaMashiach (the Messiah), grafted into the House of Yisharal [Israel's true name] & made a citizen by His Redeeming Blood. Together, we learn more about Yahuah's Word, Listen to His voice, and do our best to walk in His Will. We are not perfect; however we walk with strength in the Mashiak [cwhy/Yahusha. He knows, that just as His apostle Peter did, we still mess up from time to time, yet He sees that we are remorseful for our sin, and we seek His forgiveness and pray for strength. 


We do not attend any building or organized denomination, as we Believe that there is ONE BODY, that is the Bride of [cwhy/Yahusha. We are a KINGDOM.  As such, we have dropped ALL man given titles. We are simply his devoted and faithful followers... We are his Servants. 


We do not believe in man written doctrine/traditions, but in the SOLID INFALLIBLE Word of Yahuah. Everything we share in this site, is completely led, taught, and disciplined by Yahuah's Qodesh Ruach. We spend much time praying on each topic, dream, vision, study, etc... asking that The Qodesh Ruach would guide our every word to TRUTH, that He would unveil our eyes and unstop our ears.

*2020 Update* hwhy/YaHUaH has recently revealed to us that names like 'lord' 'adonai' 'jesus' etc... are unacceptable to Him and are pagan in origin. He gave us His NAME. He said, "I AM hwhy/YaHUah FOREVER to ALL Generations." and His son our Messiah said, "I have come IN MY FATHER's NAME." [cwhy/YaHUsHa. The Father is in the Son and the Son is in the Father. It is as plain to see as their names. YAHU- is in both.  

We do NOT believe in the false names. We do NOT identify as 'christian' or any other title, we are His Servants. 

Our Beliefs:

[cwhy/Yahusha is the Son of hwhy/Yahuah (The Living Creator, Ancient of Days, Almighty One, Alahim), Prophesied Messiah of Yisharal (A Spiritual Nation made up of ALL who are Covered by His Blood and walk in Obedience to Him by keeping/guarding His Father's Commands  and His NAME), Savior of All who accept and follow him, and King of kings. The Messiah, [cwhy/YAHUsha,  is the Almighty hwhy/YAHUah's son come in His Name-- His Word made flesh, He is Yahuah. He is the Mighty Right Arm of Yahuah as stated in YashaYahu 53. 

He is soon to return to earth the second and final time and He will rule and reign here on earth for 1000 years, after which Shatan will be loosed for a short while to tempt those that can be tempted, Yet [cwhy/Yahusha will triumph over him and cast him into the lake of fire forever. 

The entire Word of Yahuah, in its original languages, is the inspired, infallible, and eternal Word of hwhy/Yahuah. Every book included in the Old and New Testaments is there by His will. Do not add or take way from this. We also believe that some books, like Enoch, were removed for the knowledge they contained, but should be read carefully with full guidance of the Qodesh Ruach. His Word is Truth, and anyone who speaks contrary to or against it is a liar.

Salvation is a gift of hwhy/Yahuah's grace given to us by faith through confession of our words and in our hearts.  Salvation does not come by mere words spoken ("a sinner's prayer") but by a sincere repentance of the heart and acknowledgment and confession of our sin. Repentance means you literally changed your mind about how you think of sin... it is no longer okay and we admit we are wrong. 

Sanctification (set-apartness) comes through obedience and conformity to hwhy/Yahuah's Word -- not man's morality or traditions.  Set-apartness comes through obedience, sacrifice to self, and the covering of [cwhy/Yahusha's Blood. We are made righteous by [cwhy/Yahusha

The entire Word of Yahuah, from Genesis/Bereshith to Revelation contains hwhy/Yahuah's will for our lives.  It is all relevant today and should be treated as such.  

The Set Apart Spirit of Yahusha is given to all who turn to [cwhy/Yahusha for salvation. The Set Apart Spirit brings conviction of sin and also empowers the believer to walk in obedience, which is the opposite of sin.  It is by the power of the Set Apart Spirit in us, and by prayer, that we are transformed from the old carnal image into His Glorious Image.

The gifts of the Set Apart Spirit (1 Cor 12) are hwhy/Yahuah's power manifest within His body of believers.  All believers should learn to function in the gifts of the Spirit, as hwhy/Yahuah measures and for Yahuah's purposes. Not every part of the body will have the same gifts as others. We all have a part to play together as One Body of [cwhy/Yahusha .

Everything that happened in the Old Testament [Tanak] or was written though the prophetic books of the Old Testament is going to come to pass, Some ALREADY Has.  hwhy/Yahuah works in types and Shadows. 

We believe that the seals are already being broken, and started when [cwhy/Yahusha rose from the grave and ascended to the Heavenly Court to take the scroll from the Ancient One hwhy/Yahuah. Since then, everything that [cwhy/Yahusha said would happen, has and is happening.

We believe that following [cwhy/Yahusha is a daily sacrifice of self. We carry our execution stake on our backs just as [cwhy/Yahusha did, so that we can throw our own fleshly desires, and thoughts, and temptations on to the cross and crucify it. We die to self so that [cwhy/Yahusha may shine and work through us. 

We do not believe that the "old testament law" is done away with. [cwhy/Yahusha said that He did not come to abolish the old law, but to fulfill it.  hwhy/Yahuah's Law/Torah/Turah [Ten Commandments] is eternal, and by His Torah we will all be judged. But by [cwhy/Yahusha's blood, poured out for us, we are forgiven and clothed in His Righteousness. 

We do not agree with the pre-tribulation rapture theory. hwhy/Yahuah's Word states that at the sound of the LAST TRUMPET the dead shall be called up and then the living shall meet them in the clouds. The Word states that war will be made against the saints and they will be overcome for a time. The word 'rapture' is not used in the Bible. We refer to it is [cwhy/Yahusha's appointed time to return for His Bride. We do not believe this is a 'Salvation Issue', but instead more of a 'Spiritual Preparedness Issue.'

We believe that the Tribulation period has been the last 2000 years. The persecution of Yahusha's Servants has been taking place since He left to prepare a place for His Bride [Yisharal].

We believe that we will be hated because of our belief/faith. [cwhy/Yahusha said this would happen, and to remember that He was hated first. We must rejoice when we are persecuted for His Name's sake, love those that hate us, and pray for them. 

We are His Servants. We are the Branches from His Vine, Guardians of His Turah/Word, Watchers of the Season, and Keepers of the Besorah of Yahusha unto the death.