Timelines and Expectations lead to let down.

 My dear Brothers and Sisters, 

I don't know that this is a Bible study per say, but more something to invoke deep thought.  

What if all you ever knew or were taught was incorrect? Let's say 'misguided' is a better representation here. 

I want to go all the way back to [cwhy/Yahusha's time of ministry on this earth. Before he began his ministry, the religious leaders were looking for his coming. But they were expecting the Messiah to come in full Kingly splendor. They were set that it would take place a certain way.  Why did the Israelites expect this to all occur a specific way? Because the Pharisees and Torah Teachers spent years telling them what to expect. And, since they were the experts, who should spend time pouring over the scriptures and praying about it? These were men of Yahuah.... right?

What did our Messiah [cwhy/Yahusha have to say to these 'holy men'?

[cwhy/Yahusha calls these revered and 'holy men' SNAKES, SONS OF SNAKES, SONS OF SATAN.... ouch. He tells them that THEY will be the ones responsible and behind the mass persecution of His elect.  What if... and remember, I am only trying to invoke deep thinking, what if.. the big heads in the church world were all misguiding you? Some, unknowingly, others very much aware. 

Ask yourselves, how could it be possible to fool EVEN THE ELECT??? Well the anti-messiah SPIRIT (yes I said spirit because it is a spirit not an individual, it is easy to see when you read the descriptions of little horn, the king in the north, the beast, that the antichrist/anti-messiah is a spiritual entity that makes up a system) would disguise itself as a lamb... 

I will defer back to my prior post about the Church's Flight into the Wilderness. The earliest members of the body of [cwhy/Yahusha KNEW who they were facing as a system. They were keenly aware of who was persecuting them. Why? Because they refused to allow the Holy and Infallible Word of Yahuah, the Ancient One, The Living God, to be compromised by adopting pagan practices. 

So my point here is what if... you've been living in the GREAT TRIBULATION your whole life, AND because we have been taught and conditioned to believe that it is way off in the future and will play out like a hollywood movie production, we do not even realize it? They keep the blinders on so that we are focused only on our NOW. We fail to see what our brothers and sisters of the past went through. We fail to see how the events described in Revelation began at the Ascension of our Savior [cwhy/Yahusha the Messiah? Our first clue is this...

Based off this ONE clue (not to mention when he told the pharisees and his disciples that THIS generation--meaning the one he was speaking to--would see these things happen) we can easily conclude that the seals on the scroll began to be broken THE INSTANT that [cwhy/Yahusha, The Lamb of Yahuah, ascended to the courts of Heaven. 
[cwhy/Yahusha did 3 things with his ministry (which falls perfectly in line with the prophecy of Dani'el's 70 weeks) At the start of the 70th week, [cwhy/Yahusha began his ministry, establishing a covenant with MANY, not just the house of Israel, but to THE WORLD.  Then half way through this last week [cwhy/Yahusha was crucified. The Lamb of Yahuah that takes away the sins of the world, BECAME the ONLY sacrifice needed for atonement and salvation. He TOOK AWAY the daily offerings and sacrifices. He also became the curse for us... When he was sacrificed, the sun grew dark, the moon did not give its light and there was a great earthquake that tore the veil that separated us from the Throne of Yahuah in the Holy of holies, and when you read in Revelation, the dragon that is Satan is cast down from heaven and drew a third of the STARS with him. An interesting type and shadow of what [cwhy/Yahusha told us would happen at his return. 

Is it any coincidence that the first Christian Martyr was in the year 33-34AD, 3.5 years AFTER [cwhy/Yahusha was crucified? 

At this point, the physical nation and people of ancient Israel ceased to be the Chosen People of Yahuah. Instead, the Chosen People to stand apart from the world and its ways were ALL WHO LOVED, TRUSTED, AND FOLLOWED [cwhy/YAHUSHA. That tells us that the covenant with many continues on to this day. It was not done away with 3.5 years into the 7 years. 


If the final week of Dani'el's prophecy of the 70 weeks was already fulfilled (I'll be doing another broken down study of this in the future) , and if the seals began to be broken the moment [cwhy/Yahusha ascended to Heaven and took the scroll from the right hand of Yahuah, our Father, and only a few years later we begin to see the persecution of [cwhy/Yahusha's True Followers (conforming NOT to the ways of the world) then

WHY are we taught that the 70th week has yet to occur? (Futurism)

WHY are we looking for some individual to step on to the scene and establish a 7 year peace treaty that he will violate after only 3.5 years?  (Futurism AND makes [cwhy/Yahusha to be the anti-messiah)

WHY are we looking for a 3rd temple to be built when in fact... there is a blasphemous building/temple standing there right now?(since its construction began in 685AD and ended in 692AD) AND [cwhy/Yahusha told us that WE are the temple? 

HOW do you fool the elect? Convince them that they are still looking for the season to begin.... Convince them that you (the true AC system) is Pure and innocent as a lamb, while in the background, and even openly today, you speak with the voice of the dragon... But when the earliest members of [cwhy/Yahusha's Ekklesia(church/body/bride) begin to see you for what you are, go low profile, then a while down the line, when the generations have forgotten, re-immerge (fatal wound? healed? maybe?) 

HOW are so many going to be caught off guard at [cwhy/Yahusha's return? See above, and remember... The Pharisees were convinced that prophecy would play out exactly as they taught that it would. 

I don't think that anything is going to occur in the way that many are expecting and as is portrayed in books and movies like the Left Behind series. 

As always my dear and beloved Brothers and Sisters in [cwhy/Yahusha our Messiah, let the Holy Spirit of Yahuah be your only guiding light. Pray, do your own research. Sometimes you have to look backwards to more clearly see forward. 

Look up. [cwhy/Yahusha IS COMING BACK. At any moment. It could be today, tomorrow, next week or even a few years from now. But do NOT be blinded any longer by only seeing the NOW that we seem to be trapped in. Take a deeper look at the history of [cwhy/Yahusha's Ekklesia and all that has happened since His time here on earth the FIRST TIME. 

If there is a pre-tribulation 'rapture' I think we all missed the ticket by about 2000 years. 

Oh yes, one more morsel of food for thought... If a day never equals a single day in any of the prophecies of the Old Testament Prophets, but instead equals 1 year to a 1000 years depending on the prophetic code used in each writing,,,

WHY does a day in Revelation equal a literal day?? (As we have been led to believe for many generations) 


He would not suddenly change the way that he presents prophetic messages to his prophets. 

Yahuah's Holy Word AGREES with itself. 

In the Love, Light, and Truth of [cwhy/Yahusha,

Sister Aviela Levia

Romans 1_16
