Yisharal [Israel] is NOT a physical nation [LAND].... It is a Spiritual One [People Obedient to Yahuah]!

 **This is a copy and past from Besorah of Yahusha pages 1012-1013. I have added pictures and any bracketed words are my own additions for edification. Much love my fellow brothers and sisters of Yisra'el The TRUE Bride of Yahusha, made up of all who are covered in his blood, former gentiles, but now Reborn in Him who came In His Father's Name.--Sister Aviela LeviYah**

Hey Ya’ll, Let’s Get Together!

The Re-gathering Of All Yisharal

Hwhy [Yahuah] considers everyone obeying His Covenant to be Yisra’el [Israel]. There are physical descendants of Yisra’el, from the sons of Yisra’el, the fathers of the families or tribes.

Yonah was descended from Zebulon, Mosheh and Aharon from Lu’i (Levi), Shaul from Benyamin and so on. Yahusha was of the tribe of Yahudah. Anyone descended from physical Israel that no longer walks in the Covenant is no longer Yisra’el, but still is a “natural branch” that was broken-off the olive tree. They are the “lost tribes of Yisra’el” and Yahusha is sent to them, through us. We bring them the “good news” or “message” (Besorah), which is His Covenant – the Torah.

Being descended from the tribes of Israel does not mean you are walking in a Covenant with hwhy, but He declared He would keep His part in that Covenant open to any who would repent (return) and walk in it. He promised to always remember His Covenant.

We can ignore that Covenant and perish without hope, being in darkness because we are not brought near through His Covenant (Eph. 2:8-13).

Or, we can be restored to it. (Find some time to read Psalm 80) It is pertinent to this restoration of the tribes of Yisra’el to Hwhy [Yahuah]’s Torah in these last days).

The tribes of Yisra’el are scattered across the whole face of the Earth and inherited the customs of the nations, thoroughly blending into the nations.

The Assyrians dispersed the northern 10 tribes (known by the dominant, first-born blessing tribe, Ephraim); shortly after the drought of the northern area of Samaria (This is why the 10 tribes in the north were called “Samaritans”).

Most fled the Assyrians by sea, to live with their families in the safety of various established colonies all around the Mediterranean, but also further along the coast of Africa and the British Isles, known at that time as Hibernia (Eber is the root of this term). Another term that has “Eber” (I’bri, Hebrew) for a root is “Iberia”, the area known today as Spain (Tarshish was a colony of Yisra’el along the coast of Iberia, where the prophet “Jonah” was attempting to reach. Yonah was hoping that Hwhy [Yahuah]  WOULD destroy Nineveh because it was the capital of Yisra’el’s mortal enemy, ASSYRIA (ASSHUR in Hebrew)

Yisra’el’s duty has always been to bring the Covenant to the nations, but up until now this has not been done, or even contemplated by most. Failing in this duty and turning to worship the Ba’als [the lords, false gods], Hwhy [Yahuah] scattered Yisra’el in 722 BCE and Yahudah in 586 BCE. 

Shortly after the time of Yonah [Johah], Yisharalites fled from the Assyrian onslaughts by land and settled to the north, above the Black Sea and became known as the Sacae, or Scythians. This word is cognate with “iSAC” (Isaac, Yitsaq). The descendants of these “Sacae” who migrated to the east became the Parthian empire, which later completely wiped-out the Assyrians!

Other Yisharalites fled to the northern area of Africa, along the southern part of the Mediterranean Sea; one the chief cities there was called Carthage. The Carthaginians almost conquered the Roman Empire and one of the most famous Yisharalites from there was Hannibal. The land known as Ireland (Hibernia) was another long-established colony. There were Yisharalites living in colonies in America as long ago as 1000 BCE.

Yisra’el was predominantly a “sea” empire, while other empires were more concerned with becoming land powers. The Yisharalites traded all over the world, using the “rivers” in the oceans (currents) as their “roads”. They were traders and miners. The Greeks called the Yisharalites “Phoenicians”, a fact which most modern scholars have yet to learn. [learn more here]


You’ll be as amazed as we were to learn that the word “Phoenician” is Greek and simply a label for a “sea people” (sea empire with many colonies) who lived in the land of what they called “Phoenicia” about 1000 BCE. The people who lived in that land the Greeks called “Phoenicia” didn’t call themselves “Phoenicians”.

Other Yisharalite colonies were in various places such as the area of North America, one of many evidences is the large stone found near the Rio Grande River in modern New Mexico: The Los Lunas Stone. This is an ancient stone artifact of the Ten Commandments Covenant found in New Mexico, USA.


This stone shows the Ten Commandments written in the primary (palaeo) Hebrew script written on a large stone found in the 1800’s at Los Lunas, New Mexico, near the Rio Grande. It could be 3000 years old and it contains the Name “Yahuah”. It was written in obedience to Dt. 6, as we are to write them on our doorposts and on our gates — this stone was at the entrance to an ancient colony or settlement of Yisharalites.

The style of the letter “yod” used on the stone indicates that the Israelites of the northern 10 tribes (Samaritans) were in North America. It could have been inscribed on this stone as early as the ninth century BCE, during the reign of King Shlomo (Solomon), or as late as 146 BCE when the Carthaginians (Yisharalites) were conquered by Rome.

Many “diasporas”[the dispersion of any people from their original homeland] occurred, but we now know that Israel was mostly a “sea empire” and they were called “Phoenicians” by the Greeks. Yes, the “Phoenicians” were Israelites!

They didn’t call themselves “Phoenicians”, Herodotus called them that.

 The Yisharalites traveled the oceans of the world as they mined tin, copper, gold and iron. Did you know that the distance from the western coast of Africa to South America is LESS than the width of the Mediterranean Sea? Columbus didn’t discover the Americas, Yisharalites were already living here and many became what are now referred to as “Native Americans”.

Immerse: To plunge or dip into something that surrounds or covers.

To: embed~bury~to involve in deeply~absorb~engage~cover~ingress~douse
