Looking at Danial's Prophecy of 70 Weeks

 Shalom Brothers and Sisters in Yahusha Mashiak! 

I am going to touch on a somewhat controversial subject today, but as promised in my message about Expectations, I am going to discuss the Truths Yahuah has shown me concerning Danial's 70 weeks. 

We all know that many in the world are awaiting the 70th week of this prophecy to occur. Some believe that 2020 ushered in the beginning of it all. While I do agree that something in the world definitely started, I disagree that it is the 70th week and I'll explain why in a moment. As we proceed, please do so with a willingness to receive Yahuah's message. In fact, pray earnestly to him for the Qodesh Ruach (Set-Apart Spirit of Yahusha) to be your only guiding light to Truth. Okay, here we go. I'll try to tackle one verse at a time, beginning with verse 24. 

Verse 24 BYNV

"70 weeks are decreed for your people and for your qodesh city, to put an end to the transgression, and to seal up sins, and to cover crookedness, and to bring in everlasting righteousness[obedience], and to seal up vision and prophet, and to anoint the Most Qodesh[set-apart]."

 Who are the people and where is the qodesh city?

Well to answer that first consider who is being spoken to. Danial was a Yahudim, that is a member of the house of Yahudah, one of the 12 Tribes of Yisharal. So that would make Danial's people the Yahudim and the qodesh city of the Yahudim and of all the tribes was Yerushalayim. 

What or WHO would make it all possible?

Come on, we already know this one. Who is the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world? By who's name are our crookedness and our sins covered up? Who brings everlasting righteousness through obedience? Yahusha Mashiak! He, through his teachings and death, brought an end to transgressions, sealed up sins, & covered crookedness. We put him on and our old self dies and through our repentance and obedience we show our love to him, and he covers us in His Own Everlasting Righteousness. He anoints his own who sit in his hand. He sealed up vision and prophecy. (which in my own opinion, may have been that his life FULFILLED prophecies concerning him. This is just my own opinion.)  

Verse 25 BYNV

"Know, then, and understand: from the going forth of the command to restore and build Yerushalim until Messiah the Prince is 7 weeks and 62 weeks. It shall be built again, with streets and a trench, but in times of affliction."

When was the command given AND fulfilled?

There were actually a few times that the command was given, but only one time was it actually carried out successfully. This command is to restore and build THE QODESH CITY, Yerushalim. 

Ezra 1--Sovereign of Persia Koresh/Cyrus gave a command to have the Hekal/Temple of Yahuah rebuilt in 537BC. (JUST the temple, Not the qodesh city of Yerushalim) The work began 535BC

Ezra 4--Sovereign of Persia Artakshashta/Xerxes gave a command to cease the work on the Hekal in 534BC after adversaries hindered the work and lied. 

Ezra 6--Sovereign of Persia Daryush/Darius gave the command to resume restoration of the Hekal in 520BC. THE HEKAL/TEMPLE was completed and dedicated in 515BC. 

-->>>Ezra 7--Sovereign of Persia Artakshashta/Arta-Xerxes(son of the first Xerxes) gave the 1st command to restore the city in 457BC and then 7 year later in 445BC Nekemyah/Nehemiah was given the command to rebuild the CITY. 

So, because the beginning to the restoration of the city began with Sovereign Artakshashta's first command in 457BC this is our start point. 

Nekemyah was then commissioned to rebuild the city of Yerushalim but during this they did face conflicts and affliction as you can read about in the book of Nekemyah/Nehemiah. 

When do the 7 weeks and 62 weeks end?

Now that we have a good starting point, it is easy to calculate when the first timeframe comes to a close. Some simple math. 

So now we know our starting point and how many years to jump forward from there. It is important to remember that zero is NOT A YEAR so it will have to be adjusted for in the math by adding a year. Because BC time is a count down verses AD counting up 457BC will appear in the math as a negative number. Here we go...

What is significant about the year 27AD?

According to historical records and best estimates based off said records and discovered cuneiforms, Yahusha Mashiak was immersed/baptized by Yahukanon the Immerser and began his ministry. He started with the 40 day fast in the wilderness where he overcame the temptations hurled at him by shatan. Then he called his 12 emissaries/disciples. Through his teachings he began to CONFIRM YAHUAH'S COVENANT with MANY. Remember, he said that he came not just for the Yahudim but for the world. Next we are going to look at verse 27 THEN 26 as it has more of a chronological order that way. I'll explain later on at that point. 

Verse 27 BYNV

And he shall confirm a covenant with many for 1 week. And in the middle of the week he shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering. And on the wing of abomination he shall lay waste, even until the complete end and that which is decreed is poured out on the one who lays waste.”

Who confirms the covenant?

Okay, so first let's look at some definitions. To understand what this verse is saying we need to understand the meaning of words. First, to assure you that this is a proper translation from the Hebrew lets look at the Interlinear from Biblehub.com

After looking at a cross reference to every English version of Scripture, I understand that many do not use the proper translation but instead state that "he will MAKE A FIRM covenant with many" and this means something different entirely. It is a deception! Let's look at the definition of two words in particular. Confirm & Covenant. 

Now, lets rewrite the first sentence in verse 27 with the expanded definitions. 

And he shall establish the TRUTH of an agreement with many for 1 week.

Now, if this particular verse is prophesying the rise of the anti-christ/mashiak, then this does not make any sense. Use some critical thinking. Many 'churches' teach that the individual in this verse is shatan incarnate as the anti-christ mashiak.  What did Yahusha Mashiak say about shatan?

Yahukanon/John 8:42-47 BYNV

Yahusha said to them, β€œIf Alahim were your Father, you would love Me, for I came forth from Alahim, and am here. For I have not come of Myself, but He sent Me. Why do you not know what I say? Because you are unable to hear My Word. You are of your father shatan, and the desires of your father you wish to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it. β€œAnd because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me. β€œWho of you proves Me lawless concerning sin? And if I speak the truth, why do you not believe Me? He who is of Alahim hears the Words of Alahim, therefore you do not hear because you are not of Alahim.”

Can shatan establish the TRUTH?

Yahusha tells us two things here. 1. Shatan is the father of the lie and there is NO TRUTH in him. Therefore, it is IMPOSSIBLE for shatan to establish the TRUTH of ANYTHING. 2. Yahusha tells us HE speaks TRUTH, and that any who are of Yahuah Alahim will hear his TRUTH. Again in Yahukanon 14:6 he tells us:

Yahusha said to him, β€œI am the Way, and the TRUTH, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

There is only ONE who establishes the TRUTH of the agreement between Yahuah and his people. YAHUSHA MASHIAK. The agreement/covenant was briefly outlined in verse 24 earlier. 

Now from here verse 26 and 27 go together. 

Verse 26 BYNV

And after the 62 weeks Meshiak shall be cut off and have nothing. And the people of a coming prince shall destroy the city and the qodesh place [Titus, 70 CE]. And the end of it is with a flood. And wastes are decreed, and fighting until the end. (we'll cover this part in a moment)

Verse 27 BYNV

"... And in the middle of the week he shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering. And on the wing of abomination he shall lay waste, even until the complete end and that which is decreed is poured out on the one who lays waste.”

I know I know, "The A/C will put an end to the sacrifices!" … but they are not doing sacrifices.... "well first they will build the third temple, resume sacrifices, and then he will put an end to them!" None of that makes sense. Shatan, throughout history, beginning with Nimrod, has required blood sacrifices.... Human sacrifices. That is still practiced today, largely in the abortion industry. Don't believe me? Members of the synagogue of satan literally put up billboards stating that abortion was a religious right for them.... Also this


There is ONE that puts an end to the need for ANIMAL sacrifices and GRAIN offerings. What were the animal sacrifices and food offerings for though? They were a sign of obedience but more importantly they were to cover sins; atonement. But they were temporary and needed to be repeated over and over again. And when you read about what was required, it was essentially a small farm worth of animals, and a small grocer of grains, oil and wine. Imagine how difficult this was for those who had little. 

"On the next yom[day] Yahukanon saw Yahusha coming toward him, and said, β€œSee, the Lamb of Alahim[Yahuah] who takes away the sin of the world!"--Yahukanon/John 1:29 BYNV

Yahusha was the FINAL sacrifice. He was the Lamb of Yahuah (animal sacrifice) His flesh was the bread of life (grain offering), his blood was the wine (wine offering) and he was the anointed (oil offering) He was also the first fruits at his resurrection (wave sheaf offering/grain). His sacrifice and offering were the ultimate ones. There can NEVER be another animal sacrifice or food offering that can atone for sin because you cannot one up Yahuah. To do so, would be rejecting Mashiak Yahusha. 

"But, but they continued to do animal sacrifices at the temple after the crucifixion" Yes. They did. But they did not accept the Mashiak for who he was. They rejected the ultimate sacrifice to atone for sins. And shortly after in 70AD.... they all were stopped because the temple was no more. 

Focusing on verse 26 for a moment, the first sentence. To be "cut off" meant to be put to death, and to have nothing, meant to have no guilt. and Remember it said that it happens AFTER the 62 weeks. Taking into consideration that there were 7 weeks prior to the 62 to total 69 weeks, it means Mashiak would be cut off during the 70th week. Yahuah's timelines have NEVER gone interrupted. They flow in a continuous manner until complete. So let's rewrite it using that expanded meaning. 

And after the 62 weeks Mashiak shall be put to death and have no guilt.

This passage does not say that Mashiak would be put to death immediately after the end of 62 weeks. It simply says after the 62 weeks. Since technically that final week of the 62 is actually the 69th of the 70 weeks, and we are still speaking of "70 weeks decreed for [Danial's] people and qodesh city", it is easy to see that Mashiak is cut off during the final week. Verse 27 tells us WHEN in the final week this happens. 

"... And in the middle of the week he shall put an end to slaughtering and meal offering."

From what we know, Yahusha began his ministry in 27AD. According to the timeline given on biblehub.com, and corresponding events of the time that were documented, Yahusha was crucified in 30AD, 3 years later, and since it happened during Passover (2nd week of first Month as designed by Yahuah) that means it happened in the spring time. Then he walked with them for 40 days after he resurrected and presented himself as First Fruits of the Resurrection. That puts his ascension just shy of 3.5 years after he began his ministry. It did not say in the prophecy that it would be EXACTLY 3.5 years into the week of years, just that it would be in the middle of it. That means any time during the 3rd, 4th, or 5th year could have been acceptable. However, this was pretty spot on in the middle. 

The final sentence of verse 27 is also fulfilled in Yahusha's death. 

And on the wing of abomination he shall lay waste, even until the complete end and that which is decreed is poured out on the one who lays waste.

So first, before we really can understand what this means, we must once again look deeper into the meanings of a few things. 

*    On the Wing of Abomination

*    Lay waste

*    Complete End

Where was Yahusha killed? Let's look to scriptures

MatithYahu / Matthew 27:33

And when they came to a place called Golgotha, that is to say, Place of a Skull,

Mark 15:22

And they brought Him to the place Golgotha, which is translated, Place of a Skull.

Luke 23:33

And when they had come to the place called Golgotha, they impaled Him there, and the evil-doers, one on the right and the other on the left. 

Yahukanon / John 19:17

And bearing His stake, He went out to the so-called Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha,

Golgatha, Place of a Skull … Let's look into what this place was exactly.  Golgatha is more commonly known today by the name of Calvary. It is where Yahusha was impaled on the execution stake. Golgatha means exactly what scripture says, Place of a Skull. There are many teachings on this and they each believe something different. However, all we need to know is that Yahusha was hung on the stake there, and he had two thieves impaled with him as well, one to the left and one to the right. It can be assumed that this place was so named because it was visible execution spot for the Romans to make an example of those who had been put to death. It could be seen as an abomination. Romans commonly would let the bodies hang from their death spot until they were not but bones. Yahuah says: 

And when a man has committed a sin worthy of death, then he shall be put to death and you shall hang him on a tree. β€œLet his body not remain overnight on the tree, for you shall certainly bury him the same yom – for he who is hanged is accursed of Alahim – so that you do not defile the land which Yahuah your Alahim is giving you as an inheritance. Debarim / Deuteronomy 21:22-23 BYNV

Also important to note the solar eclipse that happened during Yahusha's time on the stake just before letting out his last breath. It literally became as night during that time. 

And it was now about the 6th hour, and darkness came over all the land, until the 9th hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the Mishkan was torn in two. Luke 23:44-45 BYNV

Okay, so what does it mean to 'lay waste' to something or someone? Well simply put, it means to utterly destroy. In this case, to kill. Yahusha was killed. He was laid waste. 

Another way to look at the wing of abomination is the modern crux which has far reaching pagan meaning even prior to Yahusha. When I think of a stake having wings it would look like a crux. If indeed the Romans used a crux shape for the execution stake that too would fulfill this verse. He died hanging from an abominable image before Yahuah. And Yahusha did indeed hang on that stake until everything that had been decreed was poured out on him. When the Roman soldiers went to check if he was still alive, they pierced his side with a spear and blood and water came out. 

But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out. And he who has seen has witnessed, and his witness is true. And he knows that he is speaking the truth, in order that you might believe. For this took place in order for the Scripture to be filled: β€œNot one of His bones shall be broken.” And again another Scripture says, β€œThey shall look on Him whom they pierced.” Yahukanon / John 19:34-37 BYNV

So what happened at the conclusion of the 70th week?

First, remember the 70 weeks were prophesied for Danial's people, the Yahudim. Secondly, Yahuah's time lines always flow continuously, uninterrupted until completed. If there was this HUGE gap between the 69th week and the 70th week then He would have told us. So, we know that the end of the 70 weeks is the end of the time frame given for the Yahudim according to the Word given to Danial by Yahuah. 

We know now that the 70th week began in 27AD with Yahusha's immersion, temptation, and calling of the 12. We know that in the middle of the week, spring of 30AD Yahusha died as the Passover Lamb of Yahuah, fulfilling all the sacrificial and food offering requirements of Turah, thus putting an end to them. So again some very simple math here. 

Okay, so what happened in 34AD? According to historical documents and records, this is the year that Shaul of Tarsos was confronted by Yahusha on his way to Damascus, as we can read in Acts 9. He asks him why he is persecuting his people. Shaul then repented and became an emissary and went forth as the chosen vessel of Yahusha to proclaim the Besorah to the guyim/nations/gentiles, kings and children of Yisharal. See Acts 9:15 BYNV *note: Aduni means Master.*

But Aduni [Yahusha] said to him, β€œGo, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My Name before Guyim, kings, and the children of Yisharal.

This was the conclusion of the 70 weeks determined for the Yahudim. The Besorah of Yahusha would now go forth to all the nations, so that they may be given a chance for salvation as well.  There you have it. The persecution of Yahusha's people [Natsarim] had already begun, and of the persecutors, he chose one to take the Besorah of His Name to the rest of the known world. From there... it spread like wild fire... but something else was already brewing as well.... The beast was already rearing its ugly head, creating an image, a name, a symbol... (a study for another time). 

Wait! Who destroyed the city and set apart place in verse 26 ?

And the people of a coming prince shall destroy the city and the qodesh place. And the end of it is with a flood. And wastes are decreed, and fighting until the end.

Take special note of the words 'a coming prince' here. If this was speaking of Mashiak it would say 'Mashiak THE Prince'. No this is speaking of events that would take place AFTER Mashiak was cut off and lay waste. It also mentions in that phrase that it is the PEOPLE of that 'coming prince' that would destroy the city AND the qodesh place (that would be the Hekal/Temple). The people of that 'coming prince' already occupied the city and qodesh place. The Romans. History tells us that in 70AD the Romans ransacked the city and completely destroyed the Hekal so that Yahusha's words were fulfilled that 'not one stone should stand upon another'. 

It was very interesting that Yahusha was put do death in 30AD, and Rome destroyed the city and hekal in 70AD. There is a 40 year gap there. Yahusha walked with the emissaries for 40 days before he ascended. Just something I always find interesting. I know that some argue that the Western Wall is still standing, therefore the temple still stands in some form. However, the wall is no more a part of the hekal than your perimeter fence is a part of your house. 

Rome later gave rise to the prince of destruction with the papacy in the 'Holy Roman Empire', which later gave rise to the imposter IESVS-->JESVS-->JESUS. A counterfeit version of Yahusha that denounces Yahuah's appointed 7th day Shabbath, new moons, feasts and Turah. Instead is okay with pagan holidays, practices, images, bel/baal towers, steeples, prayer beads, wreaths, christmas trees/phaluses, etc . . . THAT is all a study for another time as there is a deep history to it. However, many Jesuit defectors have made attempts to get the truth out there and paid for it with their lives. For the few that have exposed the papacy involvement and influence down to the very interpretation of prophecy by promoting futurism(the belief that the 70th week has not yet happened) not only paid with their lives but were slandered and labeled liars. 

One more final important piece to ponder. 

And wastes are decreed, and fighting until the end.

Yahuah, at least to my current knowledge of scripture, has never stated that His people would return to the inheritance prior to the end. He says that HE WILL BRING THEM to that place and they will dwell in peace and safety. 

Yisharal/Israel is not a country, or a piece of land. It is and has always been the people who are obedient to Yahuah. Each of us who shows our Love for Yahuah/Yahusha Mashiak through obedience are Yisharal the Bride. We are scattered across the earth. He will gather us together. 

So... I am not sure who all these lost tribes are that look nothing like their middle eastern cousins/brothers are. Ever since the UN granted statehood to modern Israel there has been conflict.  

So who are they? 

Ponder on Revelations 2:9 and 3:9

Until Next Time Brothers and Sisters. May Yahusha be with you always and guide your paths. 

Love in Yahusha

Sister Aviela LeviYah 
